Wednesday, September 30, 2020

How to patch a hole


 Patching a hole in your favourite jeans isn't very difficult .

You don't need a lot of fancy stuff either 

All you need is a needle , some sewing thread a pair of sissors and a patch of fabric .

If you have some old clothes you can cut them up and use them for patches.

Here I have used a bit of a leg from a donated pair of jeans . I decicded to use crochet thread for my stitching this time, but regular sewingthread or embrodery thread works fine . Use what you have ,

Make sure your patch is covering the hole and a little bit around, my hubbys jeans was well worn and had a bit of worn areas around the hole so I made the patch quite big .

I used pins to hold it in place , and folded in edges to keep it from fraying. A lot of people think it's cool with a little frayed edges, but mr Trollkjerringa don't .

I sewd the patch with backstitch you find a tutorial here

To fasten your thread sew a few stitches in the same place 


 Stitch around the patch through bout layers


It's always nice to have a assistant, but not a nessesary 

Then you have stitched all the way around , remember to fasten off by stitching a few stitches in the same place . Now you have managed to patch your jeans.

If you want to you can keep going and making the patch a bit more.decorative.

I chose to make a little sashiko inspierd decorations on this jeans.

this are just runningstitch 

it's possible to skip the entire first step and sew running stitch throug bout layers 

Up and down using runningstitch 


Then the other way. 

Now you will have super cool jeans and saved a pair form the landfill 

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